Survey on speeding and enforcement.

Mitchell-Taverner, P. Zipparo, L. & Goldsworthy, J.

Australian residents were surveyed about a range of issues relating to driving speeds, speed infringements, perceived and preferred speed enforcement tolerances, and attitudes towards speed enforcement measures. Telephone interviews were conducted during May 2002 with a sample of 2,543 people aged 15 years and over residing in the mainland states of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia. (Author/publisher) Superseded by CR 214a

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C 25995 [electronic version only] /73 /

Civic Square, ACT, Australian Transport Safety Bureau ATSB, 2003, 61 p.; Report No. CR 214 - ISSN 1445-4467 / ISBN 0-642-25516-4

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