The sustainable duplication of the Calder Highway from Melbourne to Bendigo.

Nevett, E.

VicRoads' Calder Corridor Projects is responsible for duplication of over 100 km of the Calder Highway between Melbourne and Bendigo. In response to planning processes, which required preparation of Environment Effects Statements (EES), innovative solutions were developed to mitigate environmental impacts, including: habitat management plans; wildlife crossing strategy; and project environmental protection strategies. Habitat management plans provide comprehensive details for managing biodiversity assets along the corridor. In collaboration with nationally renowned wildlife experts VicRoads has developed four different wildlife crossing proposals and a number of alternate fencing solutions, designed to enable safe movement between home ranges and assist continuation and diversity of the gene pool. Project environment protection strategies are developed pre-contract to capture identified environmental risks and ensure that they are addressed in the contractor's environmental management plan. (a) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214938.

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C 46564 (In: C 46558 CD-ROM) /15 / ITRD E214843

In: On the road to the future : 12th REAAA conference, Philippines, 2006 technical papers, Philippine International Convention Center (PICC), Manila, November 20-24, 2006, 17 p., 15 ref.

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