Sustainable transport initiatives and barriers to implementing them : local transport strategies for Oxford, UK and Fremantle, Western Australia.

Curtis, C. & Nicholson, D.

In this paper, the development and implementation of sustainable transport policy in the City of Fremantle is contrasted to the City of Oxford. Oxford's Local Transport Strategy is held up as an exemplar both for its achievements in local transport planning and for significant progress in implementing sustainable transport policies. The barriers Oxford has overcome are mirrored in Fremantle. Learning from this experience and examining the tools and strategies being used is of benefit to planners embarking on the development of local transport plans. This research draws on published strategies and monitoring programs, depth interviews with key players, inspections of implemented initiatives, and our experience as participant observers. The authors conclude that there are still significant barriers to be overcome if sustainable transport policy is ever to be seriously implemented, but this research has identified some factors for success. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208431.

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C 26998 (In: C 26913 CD-ROM) /15 /21 / ITRD E209346

In: Transport: our highway to a sustainable future : proceedings of the 21st ARRB and 11th REAAA Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 18-23 May 2003, 15 p., 37 ref.

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