Sustainable urban transportation policies : New Zealand and overseas.

Koorey, G.

This paper examines various New Zealand metropolitan transportation strategies and studies, and assesses their adherence to the principles of sustainable transportation. The impression given is that traditional road-building approaches still dominate local thinking, and that alternative transport options are seen as minor adjuncts. By comparison, various overseas strategies and policies are also reviewed to see how other localities have attempted to resolve their transportation issues. Their success to date and applicability to New Zealand are discussed, and a number of transportation "myths" are highlighted. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E213669.

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C 36504 (In: C 36492) [electronic version only] /21 /10 / ITRD E213681

In: IPENZ Transportation Group Technical Conference papers 2003, Christchurch, New Zealand, 17 September 2003, 13 p.

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