Sviter av trafikolyckor kartlagda i Uppsalaregionen.

Thorson, J.

Out of a total number of 2500 persons injured in traffic accidents in the year 1965-1966 in the Uppsala region, 830 were chosen for examination 4 to 5 years after the accident. About 50% of the persons examined were still suffering from the effects of the accident, 38% had slight physical injuries, not influencing their working capacity or other activities, 9% had severe physical injuries but were not disabled and 3% were disabled. Psychological effects occurred in 7% of the cases and social effects were observed in 18% of the cases.

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B 12222 fo /81/84/ IRRD 209682.

Svenska Vägföreningens Tidskrift, Vol. 60 (1973), No. 4, p. 28.

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