SVV/NMP-Beleidseffecten in cijfers.

Bovy, P.H.L. & Gunn, H.

A concise overview is given of estimated changes in mobility figures related to recently proposed national transport and environmental plans (SVV- II and NMP respectively). The expected autonomous developments in key exogenous demand and supply factors are presented. The expected strong growth in car use of about 70% until the year 2010 is mainly determined by socio- economic factors; only drastic (pricing) measures can lead to a significant shift.

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B 29303 (In: B 29301 [electronic version only]) /10 /71 /72 / IRRD 825704

In: Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk 1989, Deel I: Themabijdragen, p. 21-42, 5 ref.

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