Sweden's experience in reducing childhood injuries.

Bergman, A.B. & Rivara, F.P.

Why does Sweden have the lowest childhood injury rate of any country in the world ? The answer lies in a combination of factors including the special characteristics of Swedish society and an energetic 35-year campaign. Contributing societal characteristics are a small, relatively homogeneous, health conscious, law-abiding population that values children. Key factors in the campaign have been support of trauma surveillance systems and injury prevention research, ensuring safer environments and products through legislation and regulation, and a broad-based safety education campaign using coalitions of existing groups. Emulating the strategies used in the Swedish campaign would markedly reduce the number of US children killed, injured, and disabled from trauma. (A)

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931053 ST [electronic version only]

Pediatrics, Vol. 88 (1991), No. 1 (July), p. 69-74, 12 ref.

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