Sydney's metropolitan plan : doing the same things better or changing directions?

Brown, D.

The recent development of another Sydney Metropolitan Plan resulted from an intense effort that addressed some critical issues, particularly regarding land-use planning. But its weakest section is transport. The Plan did try to broaden the perspective to some extent by recognising that the transport task is not just journey-to-work arterial trips that usually take an hour or more. This paper highlights the two fundamental problems that underlie our development of transport plans: we have had a supply side rather than a demand side approach; and we treat the public like voters rather than like users. As a way to avoid the stultifying procedures of the past, this paper recommends a new process for developing plans and also addresses some new issues that go beyond the usual points of discussion in land-use/transport planning. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214755.

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C 39636 (In: C 39622 CD-ROM) /72 / ITRD E214803

In: Delivering sustainable transport : “it’s got legs” : conference papers 2006 AITPM National Conference, Hotel Sofitel, Melbourne, 3-4 August 2006, p. 225-234

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