Symposium 77. Working group 5

traffic flow and traffic safety. Papers, results and conclusions of the symposium on "accident research and traffic safety" of the Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen on 8th November 1977 in Bonn. (Symposion 77. Arbeitsgruppe V
Krell, K. Hartkopf, G. Eichberg, J. Behrendt, J. Leutzbach, W. Hoffmann, G. & Linde, R.

Papers presented at the session were: G. Hartkopf - road design, traffic flow and traffic safety - illustration of the relationships in the framework of highway evaluation; J. Eichberg - safety-relevant driving behaviour in the highway cross-section; J. Behrendt - what can be expected of traffic influencing devices in the context of traffic safety?; W. Leutzbach - utilization of simulation models for the checking of empirically derived criteria for traffic jams; g. Hoffmann - the effects of speed restrictions on two lane highways; r. Linde - speed behaviour on German motorways - report on a study; K. Krell - results and conclusions from the working group 5 "traffic flow and traffic safety". See also IRRD abstract no 307505.

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C 51713 (In: B 14561 [electronic version only]) /73 /85 / IRRD 307510

In: Symposion 77 : Referate, Ergebnisse und Folgerungen des Symposions "Unfallforschung und Verkehrssicherheit" der Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen BASt am 8. November 1977 in Bonn, Unfall- und Sicherheitsforschung Strassenverkehr Heft 14, p. 291-357 / p. 371-373, 24 ref.

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