Symposium on visibility in the driving task : proceedings of the first annual symposium, held at Texas A and M University, May 13-15, 1968.

Burg, A. Rockwell, T.H. Box, P. C. Cirillo, J.A. Strong, E.M. Domey, R.G. Adrian, W. Fry, G.A. Hofstetter, H.W. Blackwell, H.R. Blackwell, O.M. Rowan, N.J. Schwab, R.N. Wortman, R.H. Hemion, R.H. Mead, L.C. Allen, T.M. Wootan, C.V. Kilgour, T.R. Carl, E.M. & Taylor, W.

Proceedings of the symposium on visibility in the driving task, held at May 13-15, 1968. The relation between Vision Quality and Driving Record; Burg, A. Visual Factors in Automobile Driving; Rockwell, T.H. Driver-Age as Related to Freeway Accidents; Box, P. C. Interstate Accident System Research-Study II-Results as They Pertain to Lighting; Cirillo, J.A. The Drivers Vision-Chairman; Strong, E.M. Predictors of Night Vision; Domey, R.G. The Principles of Disability and Discomfort Glare: Adrian, W. Visual Performance Under Varying States of Adaption; Fry, G.A. Relationship of Vision and Lighting; Hofstetter, H.W. Visibility of Objects on Highway; Blackwell, H.R. & Blackwell, O.M. Tower lighting Research; Rowan, N.J. Headlight Glare-Chairman: Schwab, R.N. Headlight Glare Related to Lateral Separation: Wortman, R.H. Glare Factor on Two-Lane Highways; Hemion, R.H. Visibility of Traffic Control Devices-Chairman: Mead, L.C. Visibility of Signals: Blackwell, H.R. Visibility of Signs: Allen, T.M. Workshops-Summary of Discussions: Wootan, C.V. Vehicle Tail Lighting: Kilgour, T.R. Roadway Lighting Design: Carl, E.M. Application of Traffic Control Devices: Taylor, W.

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Washington, D.C., Highway Research Board HRB, 1968

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