Synthesis and evaluation of red light running automated enforcement programs in the United States.

McFadden, J. & McGee, H.W.

The incidence of motorists violating the red phase of a traffic signal has been on the rise and is a contributing factor to intersection crashes. Technology has become available that automatically detects a motorist running the red light and records photographically the occurrence, which in turn is used for violation citations. The Federal Highway Administration funded the demonstrations and evaluations of this technology at five municipalities. The results from those demonstrations plus red light running (RLR) programs implemented at two additional cities are synthesized in this report. Information on the effectiveness of the program and the equipment includes data on changes in red light violations, changes in intersection crashes, costs, public acceptance, and institutional barriers. Descriptions of the equipment and its deployment are provided. (Author/publisher)

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20031336 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of Highway Safety Infrastructure, 1999, IV + 29 p., 12 ref.; FHWA-IF-00-004

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