Synthesis of safety research : pedestrians : final report April 1990 - July 1991.

Zegeer, C.V.

This synthesis provides information from past research on pedestrians, with a primary emphasis on pedestrian safety. The topics include characteristics of pedestrian accidents, conflict analyses and hazard formulas, pedestrian safety programs, and countermeasures related to engineering and education. Engineering measures discussed in this report include pedestrian barriers, crosswalks, signs, signals, right-turn-on-red, innovative traffic control devices, refuge islands, provisions for handicapped pedestrians, bus stop location, school trip safety, overpasses, sidewalks and others. Information is also included on educational considerations and traffic enforcement and regulations related to pedestrians. When selectively used, many of the engineering treatments can be effective in reducing pedestrian deaths and injury. Pedestrian educational programs have been found to reduce 20 to 30 percent of pedestrian accidents involving young children. Model traffic regulations and enforcement programs are also important. (This report is an update of Chapter 16 "Pedestrian Ways" written by R.C. Pfefer, A. Sorton, J. Fegan and M.J. Rosenbaum, which was published by the Federal Highway Administration in Synthesis of Safety Research Related to Traffic Control and Roadway Elements, Volume 2 in December 1982.)

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C 5605 /82 /83 / IRRD 844546

Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina UNC, Highway Safety Research Center HSRC, 1991, VIII + 102 p., 108 ref.; HSRC ; TR 90 / Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1991, XI + 102 p., 108 ref.; FHWA-TS-91-034

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