Synthesis of safety for traffic operations : final report.

Forbes, G.

This Synthesis presents the best available evidence respecting the safety impacts of traffic operations and control strategies for Canadian practitioners. Only research and studies that report on crash occurrence, crash severity, or crash surrogates with a proven correlation to crashes are included. Each study is critically reviewed to determine the accuracy of the results, and the particular situation in which they are applicable. The Synthesis is not all-inclusive and will be outdated by ongoing research in the road safety field. The practitioner should keep abreast of recent developments in the traffic operations safety knowledge base. Overall the Synthesis should be used by the road safety professional to practice evidence-based road safety, and in pursuing the Canadian vision of making Canada’s roads the safest in the world. (Author/publisher)

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C 25831 [electronic version only]

Ottawa, ON, Transport Canada, Road Systems, 2003, XVI + 207 p., 113 ref.

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