System architecture development and experimental test on precautionary traffic restrictions.

Ide, T. Miyahara, S. & Ikeguchi, M.

The Kyushu district often is damaged by torrents during the rainy season and typhoons. The Kyushu Regional Construction Bureau of Ministry of Construction has studied the potential of ITS technology to support precautionary disaster warning activities. The ITS-related five ministerial bodies have collaboratively created the 'Comprehensive Plan for ITS in Japan'. Under those circumstances, ITS architecture which was issued in November, 1999, (hereinafter referred to as system architecture) has defined a further 56 packages and the 172 sub-services to design and develop systems in an efficient and effective manner. The Kyushu Regional Construction Bureau has created a deployment guideline for which the system architecture provides a critical basis. This guideline includes a package that draws on ITS technology to respond to the road disasters and which aims to serve as a specification when the road disaster countermeasure package is deployed. A plan to carry out a partial road disaster countermeasure package in a community is outlined to examine the effect of precautionary warnings of traffic restriction in a community during adverse weather conditions. For the covering abstract see ITRD E114174.

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C 24641 (In: C 22454 CD-ROM) /72 /73 / ITRD E115876

In: From vision to reality : proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Turin, Italy, 6-9 November 2000, 8 p.

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