A system for the detection, classification and recognition of heavy vehicles.

Morgenstern, S.

An account is given of the Fotronix Vision System which uses innovative image processing and a high resolution Kodak traffic camera for vehicle classification and license plate recognition. The system can be linked to other vehicle monitoring sensors or variable message signs and used for a variety of purposes. The use of the system to detect and direct heavy commercial vehicles to weigh stations in the United States is discussed. Unmanned weigh stations can be fully automated and linked with regional weigh station staff. At high volume weigh stations the system can direct different categories of traffic to the appropriate weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensor or be mounted on the highway itself. Benefits outlined include increased WIM efficiency, increased driver accountability and route verification and the capture of truck information for highway planners.

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C 20734 (In: C 20695) /73 / IRRD 866067

In: Traffic technology international '94, p. 188-189

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