System-wide safety treatments and design guidance for J-turns.

Edara, P. Sun, C. Claros, B. Zhu, Z. & Brown, H.

The Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) sponsored this research project to investigate treatments that can reduce crashes and fatalities to further the goal of Toward Zero Deaths (TZD). One major objective was to synthesize the literature and state of practice on system-wide safety treatments and document their effectiveness. Specifically, the objective was to examine those treatments that have not been implemented already in Missouri. Another major objective was to provide guidance on the J-turn intersection design, which eliminates or reduces crossing conflicts. A synthesis of system-wide safety treatments from other states and countries was conducted. The safety effectiveness, implementation guidelines, limitations, costs, and concerns of the treatments were documented. The identified safety treatments are consistent with the ‘Necessary Nine’ strategies identified in the Missouri’s Blueprint. Accordingly, the synthesis covered three areas: 1) horizontal curves, 2) intersections, and 3) wrong way crashes. The reviewed treatments include signing, geometric design and access management, ITS, pavement markings, and signal control enhancements to improve safety. This synthesis provides a systematic method of selecting system-wide treatments for future deployments in the state of Missouri. Signage, design, ITS, and driver countermeasures were reviewed to address wrong way crashes. Innovative signage strategies including lowering height, oversized signs, illumination, doubling the number of signs, are low-cost solutions that can be deployed across the system. Design countermeasures such as avoiding left side exit ramps, using raised medians on crossroads, improving sight distance are also recommended. ITS technology options, due to their higher costs, may not be suitable for system-wide deployment but are appropriate for isolated treatments. The detection and alert systems based on video radar, or in-pavement sensors have been piloted in a few states. Countermeasures targeting horizontal curve crashes may include signage treatments that exceed the minimum recommended MUTCD signage and device requirements for horizontal curves. Such treatments include improved curve signing through the use of additional chevrons, flashing beacons at sharp curves, dynamic curve guidance systems, and dynamic speed warning systems. Other recommended horizontal curve safety treatments include pavement treatments such as speed reduction markings, warning symbols painted on the pavement, and high friction pavement treatment. Missouri DOT has successfully utilized two pavement marking treatments in the past - wider edge lines and rumble strips/stripes. Treatments to enhance signalized intersection safety include increasing clearance interval, changing left turn from permissive to protected-permissive, flashing yellow arrow, dynamic signal warning, red light cameras, and improving signal visibility. Based on the safety effectiveness reported in literature, dynamic signal warning and improving signal visibility are recommended for future consideration as system-wide treatments at signalized intersections in Missouri. At stop-control intersections, the use of bigger signs, LEDs, and flashing beacons were found to reduce crashes due to the increased visibility and illumination of signs. In the last few years, MoDOT has replaced several high crash intersections on rural highways in the state with J-turns. Given their safety effectiveness and low cost, compared to grade separated interchanges, the J-turn has become a preferred alternative to replace high crash two-way-stop-controlled intersections on high speed highways. Unfortunately, national guidance on the design of J-turns is very limited. For example, there are no recommendations on the spacing between the main intersection and the U-turn. Similarly, there is no guidance on when acceleration lanes are recommended, i.e., at what level of traffic volume. This project addressed this gap in practice by developing guidance on spacing and acceleration lanes. A thorough examination of crashes that occurred at twelve existing J-turn sites in Missouri was conducted. The objective of this review was to determine if the crash frequencies and types of crashes were influenced by the aforementioned design parameters. The crash review revealed the proportions of five crash types occurring at J-turn sites: 1) major road sideswipe (31.6%), 2) major road rear-end (28.1%), 3) minor road rear-end (15.8%), 4) loss of control (14%), and 5) merging from U-turn (10.5%). Vehicles merging with the major road traffic or changing lanes to access the U-turn lane caused most of the major road side swipe and rear-end crashes. Other common contributing factors include driver inattention and the large speed difference between the merging vehicles from the minor road and the vehicles on the major road. Crash rates, expressed as per million vehicle miles of travel, decreased with an increase in the U-turn spacing for both sideswipe and rear-end crashes. A longer spacing allowed merging vehicles to reach major road operating speeds, thus making it safer to follow other vehicles in the lane and to make lane changes. J-turn sites with a spacing of 1500 feet or greater experienced the lowest crash rates. In addition, traffic simulation experiments were conducted to study the effect of different design parameters and traffic volumes on safety of the J-turn design. A base simulation model was created and calibrated using field data collected in a previous MoDOT project on J-turns. The calibrated model was then used to study various combinations of major road and minor road volumes and design variables. For all the studied scenarios, the presence of acceleration lane resulted in significantly fewer conflicts. Thus, acceleration lanes are recommended for all Jturn designs, including lower volume sites. Second, while a spacing between 1000 feet and 2000 feet was found to be sufficient for low volume combinations, a spacing of 2000 feet is recommended for medium to high volume conditions. (Author/publisher)


20160464 ST [electronic version only]

Jefferson City, MO, Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), 2016, IX + 62 p. + app., 109 ref.; CMR 16-013

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