Systemes de propulsion et de commande pour les automobiles electriques = Antriebe und Steuerungen für Elektromobile Propulsion = Control systems for electric automobiles. Paper presented at the 13th FISITA congress, June 8-11, 1970.

Baumann, G.

Light DC driving motors of various sizes, including the accompanying electronic control devices were developed for the electric propulsion of automobiles. Infinitely variable control of the motors is insured by an electronic control circuit using silicon power thrusters stimulated by the drive and brake pedal positions as well as the driving speed. For the time being the lead-accumulators are being used as a source of energy in the complete test vehicle. Maximum speed of 70..80 km-h and ranges of 40-120 Km can be produced, and also acceleration rates which match those of customary vehicles.

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A 5349 (In: A 5342 II) IRRD 56500

In: Proceedings from the 13th FISITA congress, 1970, p. 16 B.

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