Taking the private sector underground.

Morgan, T.

The London Underground, UK, has suffered from a long history of under investment and lack of long term planning. As part of the public private partnership (PPP), Tube Lines took over responsibility for maintaining and upgrading the infrastructure and rolling stock on the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly (JNP) lines. Over 7.5 years, Tube Lines will invest ú4.4 billion across the three lines, accompanied by expertise in design, construction, project management and systems integration. The priorities are to improve service capacity and to deliver a more reliable and frequent train service. Tube Lines has prioritised early work to improve service reliability by tackling the causes of speed restrictions and improving fleet management and preventative maintenance. Short-term improvements will include station upgrades, new signalling systems, the introduction of bridge and structure maintenance programmes, and increased train cleaning. The individual improvements for each line are listed.

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I E120797 /10 /72 / ITRD E120797

Eurotransport. 2003. (1) Pp31-5

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