Targeting the multiple offender

Pease, K.

The role of road traffic enforcement in reducing road casualties and in targeting serious and prolific offenders is considered. Evidence that indirect targeting of prolific offenders is a promising crime reduction tactic and that prolific offenders are often violators of traffic law is discussed. A project conducted in Huddersfield, UK, is described in which traffic wardens recorded details of cars lacking an orange badge parked in a disabled space and also of the nearest legally parked car. Information about the vehicles and their registered keepers was analysed. Compared with legally parked cars, illegally parked cars had a much higher history of traffic violations, past use in crime and keepers with a criminal record. For the covering abstract see ITRD E123493.

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C 30725 (In: C 30723 [electronic version only]) /10 /83 / ITRD E123495

In: Driving down casualties : the role of road traffic law and enforcement : proceedings of a conference organised by the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS), London, UK, 9 February 2000, p. 16-19

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