A taxonomy of drivers attending an advanced driver training course.

Perry, D.R. Strang, P.M.C.K. & James, R.S.

This paper was presented at session 35 - drivers, vehicles and geometrics 2. A driving survey questionnaire was analysed using a form of multivariate analysis known as numerical taxonomy. The questionnaire was administered to individuals attending an advanced driver training course and a sample of drivers selected at random. The results support the proposition that drivers voluntarily attending driver- improvement courses differ markedly in attitudes and driving experience from drivers attending the course as a job requirement. These enthusiast drivers were predominantly male, under 25 years old, and single. They could be characterised as having 'motoring' life style, but were also rated as having poor attitudes towards driving and had a higher accident involvement. However, instructors at the advanced driving course did not rate the enthusiast drivers as superior to other groups of drivers in terms of presentation or ability to control a car. From these data it would appear that advanced driving schools collect aggressive drivers. If the schools do not attempt to modify these drivers' attitudes, their subsequent performance may make it appear that the schools encourage reckless driving. The number of the covering abstract of the conference is IRRD No. 239340.

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B 14929 fo /83.5/ IRRD 239445

In: Proceedings of the 9th Conference of the Australian Road Research Board ARRB, Brisbane, August 21-25, 1978, Volume 9, Session 35, p. 14-19, 18 ref.

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