Technical Report ISO/TR 10982 road vehicles : test procedures for evaluating out-of-position vehicle occupant interactions with deploying air bags.

International Organization for Standardization ISO, Technical Committee ISO/TR22 `Road vehicles', Subcommittee SC 10 `Impact test procedures'

This Technical Report outlines a number of test procedures that can be used for investigating the interactions that could occur between the deploying air bag and the occupant who is near the module at the time of deployment. Static and dynamic tests to investigate both driver and passenger systems are described. Comparative evaluation of the designs can be introduced using static tests. Favourable systems may be evaluated, if deemed necessary, by appropriate dynamic tests. Children and infants restrained in child or infant seats are the subject of another Technical Report (revision of ISO 6487:1987, to be published).

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981447 ST [electronic version only]

Genève, International Organization for Standardization ISO, 1998, IV + 13 p., 20 ref.; ISO/TR 10982:1998(E)

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