A technique for the integration of transport and regional planning.

Brindle, R.E.

Various aspects of the frequently expressed need to relate transport and land use planning more closely are discussed. The impact of major transport projects on the direction and intensity of urban development is becoming a major concern of those involved in land use and transport planning. The increasing emphasis on strategic planning is providing the framework within which such effects can be studied. Simple macroscopic models appear to be suitable for this purpose.

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A 9825 (In A 9817 [electronic version only]) IRRD 55732

In: Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Australian Road Research Board, Canberra, 1970. vol. 5 (1970) part 2, blz. 154 /169 paper nr. 606 Presented at the 5th conference ARRB, Canberra, 1970.

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