Technische-Wetenschappelijke organisaties op het gebied van verlichtingskunde.

Boer, J.B. de

A description of the international organisation on lighting, the CIE, is given. It is explained how recommendations for fundamental lighting concepts and for indoor and outdoor lighting applications are worked out. As examples of international organisations on lighting of regional character Lux Europa and the German Speaking Congres and their relation to CIE and national organisations have been mentioned. A survey of the most important national organisations on lighting and their professional journals has been given. The organisation of the N.S.V.V., the Dutch national lighting organisation has been described in some detail.

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B 14664 T /85.2/ IRRD 240976

Elektrotechniek, Vol. 57 (1979), No. 2 (februari), p. 108-112, 1 fig., 7 tab.

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