A technology to link professionals on the road to central information systems : Mobitex public networks in Europe.

Savage, L.

This short article presents the Mobitex network. This is a Dedicated Mobile Data Network (DMDN), which was launched in the mid 80's. The basic features of the Mobitex network and its terminals are described. A brief description of the services offered via the network is also provided. The services include: a) driver guidance applications; b) "pick-up-phase" applications, for example vehicle location; and c) delivery phase applications, for example sending a proof of delivery message to the consignor as soon as the parcel is delivered.

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C 10236 (In: C 9906 e [electronic version only]) /70 / IRRD 868946

In: "Towards an intelligent transport system" : proceedings of the first world congress on applications of transport telematics and Intelligent Vehicle-Highway Systems IVHS, Palais de Congrès de Paris, France, 30 November - 3 December 1994, Volume 5, p. 2662-2668

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