Teen and senior drivers.

Brar, S.S. & Rickard, D.P.

This report updates statistical information on California teen and senior drivers as published in earlier reports prepared by the California Department of Motor Vehicles: Teen Driver Facts (Huston, 1986), Senior Driver Facts (Huston & Janke, 1986), Teen and Senior Drivers (Romanowicz & Gebers, 1990; Gebers, Romanowicz, & McKenzie, 1993; Aizenberg & McKenzie, 1997 [with the Beverly Foundation]; and Janke, Masten, McKenzie, Gebers, & Kelsey, 2003). The information is meant to assist highway safety administrators in making program and policy decisions affecting teen and senior drivers, and may also be of use to the insurance industry, traffic safety researchers, and the general public. The report also summarizes international research on the driving safety and driving-related abilities of teen and senior drivers, and on crash countermeasures for these two groups. (Author/publisher)

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20130473 ST [electronic version only]

Sacramento, CA, California Department of Motor Vehicles CAL-DMV, 2013, VIII + 107 p., 196 ref.; CAL-DMV-RSS-13-240

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