Teen driver safety

Large-scale evaluation of driver education review of the literature on driver education evaluation : 2010 update
Lonero, L.; Mayhew, D.

The aims of this review are to provide a richer understanding of driver education evaluation, as well as perspectives on how beginner driver education evaluation can best be improved in the context of driver education policy, program planning, and program management. A literature review of evaluation of beginner driver education was included as an appendix to the 2006 AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety document 'Evaluation of driver education: comprehensive guidelines' (Clinton and Lonero, 2006). The present paper extends and updates the earlier review in light of recently published literature to complement the ongoing Large Scale Evaluation of Driver Education Project. The remainder of this paper presents:

  • An overview of the background and context for driver education and evaluation;
  • A detailed examination of the methods and findings of recent evaluations and some important older evaluations;
  • A critical discussion of the methods and conclusions of recent reviews of evaluations;
  • A discussion of the limitations and implications of the evaluation literature for driver education program practice and development.

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20220087 ST [electronic version only]
Gepubliceerd door
American Automobile Association AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Washington, D.C.

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