Teen drivers’ perceptions of inattention and cell phone use while driving.

McDonald, C.C. & Sommers, M.S.

Inattention to the roadway, including cell phone use while driving (cell phone calls, sending and reading texts, mobile app use and internet use), is a critical problem for teen drivers and increases risk for crashes. Effective behavioral interventions for teens are needed in order to decrease teen driver inattention related to cell phone use while driving. However, teens’ perceptions of mobile device use while driving is a necessary component for theoretically driven behavior change interventions. The purpose of this study was to describe teen drivers’ perceptions of cell phone use while driving in order to inform future interventions to reduce risky driving. (Author/publisher)

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20190142 ST [electronic version only]

Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 16 (2015), Supplement 2 (October), p. S52-S58, 38 ref.

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