Telecommunications and disability.

Tetzchner, S. von

The increasing importance of telecommunications in everyday life in modern society makes access to telecommunications crucial for an individual's role and participation in society. However, many people with some form of impairment or disability may have little or no access to telecommunications. The limitations will vary according to type and degree of handicap. Special adaptations, equipment and services are listed which can make telecommunications more accessible to people with disabilities. These include increased amplification, text communication, graphic sign communications (Blissymbols, PIC), videophony, tactile displays, synthetic speech and physical adaptation of telephones. New technology is used in transport systems to make travel safer and with further development may be useful to the blind. The author suggests that developing technologies should be analysed from the point of view of the disabled person with a view to increasing their participation in society. Attention to man-machine interfaces in particular is required.

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C 10775 (In: C 10768 S) /72 / IRRD 847836

In: Transport for people with mobility handicaps : information and communication : proceedings of a seminar, Paris, 24-25 January 1991, p. 69-78

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