The temperature of rebreathed air, and the arterial blood : rebreathed air alcohol ratio.

Harger, R.N. & Forney, R.B.

Although most of the present quantitative breath alcohol instruments are presumed to employ aveolar air, the samples of end expiratory air used actually have an ethanol vapour pressure which is lower than that in the alveoli. This is because the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract has a temperature which is lower than 37º and removes some ethanol from the pulmonary breath.

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17 + 2 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 2913 (In: B 2271) /83.4/ IRRD 302281

In: Alkohol und Verkehrssicherheit, 1969, p. II.73-II.78, 1 graph., 3 tab., 7 ref.

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