Test methods : ECBOS Task 3.2.2.

Huijskens, C.G.

This report describes the work performed by TNO Automotive in Task 3.2.2 of the ECBOS project. This report focuses on frontal impacts where the main interaction is between the passenger and the restraint system, the forward seat, a bulkhead or other solid object. Although this is a very limited subset of all injury causing loading conditions, it seems to be the only one for which the suitability and optimisation of restraints systems makes sense. Based on the best compromises between wearing a 2 point or a 3 point belt system, the use of 3 point belt systems is recommended for adult and child occupant passengers in buses and coaches. (Author/publisher)

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20130946 ST [electronic version only]

Delft, TNO Automotive, 2003, 16 p., 8 ref.; 03.OR.BV.039.1/CGH

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