Testing and evaluation of EV-1300 lead-acid modules for the hybrid vehicle application.

Gay, E.C. Webster, C.E. Hornstra, F. Yao, N.P. Corp, D.O. & Hayes, E.R.

This paper presents the results of testing and evaluation of GE/Globe EV-1300 lead-acid modules developed by Globe Battery Division of Johnson Controls, Inc. for the hybrid vehicle HTV-1, developed by general electric (GE) for the Department of Energy. The tests were conducted at the computer-automated national battery test laboratory (NBTL) at Argonne National Laboratory. Two 6-cell modules of 105 Ah (1235 Wh) capacity were tested. The test program consisted of the following tests: (1) capacity measurements over a range of constant-current discharges of 35-400 A (Peukert Plot); (2) specific energy measurements over a range of constant-power discharges of 10-100 W/kg (Ragone Plot); (3) open-circuit stand testing (for self-discharge); (4) partial depth-of-discharge (DOD) testing (for memory effect); (5) projected range based on simulated driving profile discharges representing the SAE J227aD urban driving schedule negotiated by an improved ETV-1 (an all-electric vehicle); (6) projected range based on simulated driving profile discharges representing the EPA urban driving schedule negotiated by the GE-developed HTV-1 hybrid vehicle; and (7) peak-power measurements at various depths-of-discharge.

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C 4889 (In: C 4885 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 860797

In: Electric vehicles : a decade of transition : selected papers through 1990 prepared under the auspices of the SAE Electric Vehicle Committee Passenger Car Activity, PT-40, p. 21-26, 7 ref.

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