Thematic Research Summary (TRS) : Efficiency in sustainable mobility.

Delle Site, P. Salucci, M.V. & Sitavancova, Z.

This paper provides a summary of EU policy on the efficiency of transport systems. Policy developments at EU level have been related to the promotion of intermodality and interoperability. Recently the principle of co-modality has been advocated to achieve optimal utilisation of resources by efficient use of modes on their own and in combination. A synthesis of the findings of research projects is also presented covering the following sub-themes: infrastructure / vehicle development / maintenance; traffic management and control; airport terminals and air traffic control; multimodal networks; commercial fleet and public transport operations; and transport demand management.

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C 50334 [electronic version only] /10 /70 /72 / ITRD E158579

Brussels, European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (TREN), Transport Research Knowledge Centre (TRKC), 2010, 101 p., ref.; Thematic Research Summary (TRS)

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