Things Cook and Campbell never told you: Or practical and methodological issues in safety intervention research.

Embry, D.D.

Mainstream books on experimental design in social science (e.g., Cook and Campbell, 1979) offer little to guide the process of research on large- scale problems like traffic safety. By drawing on experimental work, the author presents a comprehensive model to guide the process research in devel- loping proven, effective interventions to reduce accidents. Three reasons stand out for the failure of educational approaches: (1) focus on safety as attitude instead of behaviour; (2) choice of curriculum design as primary intervention tool; and (3) reliance on summative evaluation models employing group designs.

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B 27953 (In: B 27919 [electronic version only]) /83 / IRRD 804437

In: Road Traffic Safety Seminar, Wellington, 15-17 August, 1984, Volume II, p. 107-139, 17 ref.

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