Threaded cognition : an integrated theory of concurrent multitasking.

Salvucci, D.D. & Taatgen, N.A.

The authors propose the idea of threaded cognition, an integrated theory of concurrent multitasking - that is, performing 2 or more tasks at once. Threaded cognition posits that streams of thought can be represented as threads of processing coordinated by a serial procedural resource and executed across other available resources (e.g., perceptual and motor resources). The theory specifies a parsimonious mechanism that allows for concurrent execution, resource acquisition, and resolution of resource conflicts, without the need for specialized executive processes. By instantiating this mechanism as a computational model, threaded cognition provides explicit predictions of how multitasking behavior can result in interference, or lack thereof, for a given set of tasks. The authors illustrate the theory in modelsimulations of several representative domains ranging from simple laboratory tasks such as dual-choice tasks to complex real-world domains such as driving and driver distraction. (Author/publisher)

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20101435 ST [electronic version only]

Psychological Review, Vol. 115 (2008), No. 1, p. 101-130, ref.

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