A three-dimensional mathematical model to predict the dynamic response of an automobiles occupant. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board HRB, 1971.

Young, R.D.

This paper outlines the development of an analytical model that predicts the response of an automobile passenger in three-dimensional space during vehicle motion, which can also be three-dimensional in nature. The predicted response includes position of the occupant relative to the vehicle, accelerations of various parts of the body, and forces acting on various parts of the body all as a function of time. Validation of this passenger model has been achieved for the case of frontal collisions in which the occupant is either totally unrestrained, restrained by a lap belt only, or restrained by a lap belt and a shoulder strap.

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A 7105 IRRD 60974

Texas A & M University, 1971, III + 29 p., ref. graph. / Also published in: Highway Research Record HRR, No. 344, p. 33-44, 13 ref.

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