A three-dimensional vehicle-man model for collision and high acceleration studies.

Huston, R.L. Hessel, R. & Passerello, C.

The basic elements of mathematical analysis of a three-dimensional vehicle (cockpit)- occupant simulation model are presented. The model employs Hanavan 's finite segment human body model and possesses 31 degrees of freedom. The dynamical analysis is based upon Lagrange's from of d'Alembert's principle, which systematically provides for an efficient computer-oriented derivation of the governing dynamical equations of motion. The model possesses a broad range of application. An elementary study of a front-end collision is presented as an illustrative example.

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6 + 12 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 5045 fo /83/91/

New York, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1974, 12 p., fig., graph., ref.; SAE paper No. 740275

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