Three plus one day seminar plan

introduction to coaching-style for driving instructors

Coaching is a form of communication independent from the different contents. The EU HERMES project takes a close look at coaching and outlines specifically how coaching can be employed in initial and further driver training with the clear target of increasing traffic safety. For this reason the HERMES project also comprises the different traffic safety contents in the form of scenarios which can be used with coaching in driver training. Compared to standard contents of driver training these scenarios might seem unusual. Mainly because they also cover learning areas which are strongly linked to novice drivers’ crashes such as self-overestimation, group pressure, distraction, fatigue, emotional driving motives etc. The scenarios are adapted to match the requirements of accident causation research which are reflected in the GDE-Matrix (Goals for Driver Education). Each scenario indicates to which level they primarily refer. (Author/publisher)

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20100444 ST [electronic version only]

[Brussels], European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy and Transport (TREN), 2010, 199 p.; Project No. TREN-E3-07-S-ST-S07.68721-HERMES

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