Tillfällig hastighetsbgränsning i motortrafiken utanför tättbebyggt område tiden 1 may- 2 september 1967.

Kritz, L.B. & Widén, S.

The effect has been investigated of temporary speed limits in density populated areas at certain annual traffic peak periods. The method of securing data on accidents on weekends and working days is described, the classification of these accidents, and comparison with a control period. Results are presented in tables and histograms. The effect of the 90 km/h speed limit is clear, special on weekends and for serious accidents (fatal injuries) on fast roads. The effect is less clear on other types of roads. the reduction in accident number was not caused by different weather or road conditions.

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1 + 8 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 6283 /73.3/81.3/

Stockholm, Statens Trafiksäkerhetsråd, 1968, 10 p. + app., diagr., tab.

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