Time to change the old paradigm: Promoting sustainable urban transport in Lahore, Pakistan.

Imran, M. & Low, N.

Urban transport is one of the most important sectors having a direct bearing on sustainable development because of the high growth of the transport sector's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This becomes more important in the case of Pakistan where the motor vehicle fleet is growing at two to three times the rate of population. Especially in Lahore, designed transport strategies and programs have resulted in high growth of urban road traffic, increasing air and noise pollution, and traffic crashes. The purpose of this paper is to review the adequacy and deficiency of transport planning in Lahore and to recommend some measures for developing a sustainable urban transport system in the city. (A)

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I E125677 /15 / ITRD E125677

World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol. 9 (2003), No. 2, p. 32-9

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