Timing of traffic- actuated signals with headway- controlled maximum timers.

Harris, H.J.

This paper discusses a simple mathematical model of controller operation based on the Poisson series. Methods of calculating settings for controllers, using this model, are given, and also a description of the action of the various adjustments so that where calculation of settings is impractible, the results of changes may be predicted at least qualitatively. This is illustrated by graphs. An outlined of methods of calculating delays to both vehicles and pedestrians is included.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 7659 (In: A 7643, Vol. 1) IRRD 58278

In: Proceedings of the New Zealand Roading Symposium 1967, Volume 1, p. 313-331

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