Tire tread pattern sound generation.

Willet. P.R.

An assessment of a mathematical method of synthesizing tire sound spectra is presented. The method is based on the summation of phasors and the calculated spectra are conveniently generated as computer printout in the form of bar graphs. The technique, its usefulness, its limitations, and the implications of using such a model are discussed. The results have been substantiated experimentally, thus enabling optimum tread element lengths and sequences to be determined at the design stage, within the known limitations of the model.

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4 + 8 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 8867 fo /91.3/93.1/

Tire Science and Technology, Vol. 3 (1975), No. 4 (November), p. 252-266, 1 fig., 8 graph., 1 tab., 30 ref.

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