Tired drivers have nowhere to stop.

Murray, B.

UK government figures suggest that tiredness contributes to one in five of all motorway accidents. In France, the trunk-road network is provided with aires de repos (rest areas with toilets) every 15 km and service stations every 40 km. The French government insists that autoroute operators provide these facilities. The UK Government prefers fewer, bigger motorway service areas (MSA). There should be one MSA every 30 miles, but some motorways, such as the western section of the M25, have inadequate facilities. The UK government has launched a new campaign highlighting the dangers of driving whilst tired and is looking at more areas where drivers can pull in and have a rest.

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C 25731 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E116362

Autocar, August 28, 2002, p. 20-21

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