Towards better residential streets.

Rockliffe, N. & Paterson, J.

The paper identifies problems with existing design practice for residential streets, shows why they arise, and proposes solutions. Examples are given to show that design standards are in general too high and in some cases even counter- productive. In other words, that residential streets are overdesigned. The consequences of this are analysed in an economic and sociological framework. The solution lies in encouraging lower design standards (consistent with the demands of public health and safety) and altering the institutional framework to remove the incentive to enforce over- design.

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B 30207 (In: B 30206 [electronic version only]) /21 / IRRD 226277

In: Streets not roads. 8th ARRB Conference, Perth, 23- 27 August, 1976, p. 1- 5, 10 ref. Volume 8, part 2, Local Government Symposium. Session 6A.

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