Towards a smart mobility roadmap : 2014-2020.

Verbeek, H. Potters, P. & Broek, J. van den

A Smart Mobility roadmap is being developed jointly by industry, knowledge institutes and government in the Netherlands represented in ITS Netherlands/ Connekt, DITCM and AutomotiveNL. These partners are working together to support, facilitate and accelerate the process from innovation to deployment. Their shared goal is to translate societal and policy goals into enabling technologies and practical applications. The roadmap will form the basis on which choices are made and priorities set for future projects, with the aim of constantly updating and realising the defined Smart Mobility goals in the Netherlands. (Author/publisher)

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20190314 ST [electronic version only]

Helmond, AutomotiveNL / Delft, Connekt / Helmond, DITCM, 2012, 35 p.

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