Town meeting on HOV facilities.

Stenger, T. Montgelas, R. Toliver, P.A. Wasch, M. Ketcham, T.W. & Christiansen, D.L.

Six speakers comment on HOV facilities. T. Stenger examines the policy areas critical to the future of transportation in metropolitan areas as they relate to HOV facilities. R. Montgelas outlines issues that are often raised at the state level concerning HOV lanes. P.A. Toliver presents Seattle Metro's perspective on HOV facilities in the Seattle area. M. Wasch discusses what Boeing Corporation is doing to promote transit usage, vanpools, and carpools among its employees. T.W. Ketcham discusses ways to improve current efforts to enforce the occupancy requirements on HOV lanes. D.L. Christiansen examines the accomplishments over the past decade in the area of HOV facilities and points out the issues and concerns that still need to be addressed. This conference was conducted by the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle and Washington State Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration and the Urban Mass Transportation Administration.

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C 12753 (In: C 12744 S) /72 /73 /10 / IRRD 849892

In: Conference proceedings of the fifth national high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities conference "HOV facilities : coming of age", Seattle, Washington, April 28 - May 1, 1991, p. 55-61

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