Tracing the problem of driver fatigue.

Ingwersen, P.

This chapter describes an attempt to establish the extent of driver fatigue on Western Australia's roads using data extracted from Western Australia Police Department accident report forms. The problem is considered to be underestimated due to a lack of reporting on the involvement of fatigue. The analysis is restricted to single-vehicle accidents. In order that some meaningful measure of the problem can be determined consideration is progressively directed towards road sections felt to show an association with fatigue accidents, that is, sealed, country and open roads. Accident rates in Western Australia are compared with those in other states. Other factors considered are geographical factors, day of the week, time of day and driver age. For the covering abstract see C 45915 (IRRD 876074).

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C 45921 (In: C 45915) /83 / IRRD 876080

In: Fatigue and driving : driver impairment, driver fatigue and driving simulation, edited by L.R. Hartley, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, 1995, p. 73-86, 6 ref.

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