Tracking ability of an MCV on a rural road.

Lennie, S. & Bunker, J.

Multi-combination vehicles (MCVs) are road freight vehicles comprising a prime mover towing two or more trailers. At each articulation point, movements occur due to the driver, vehicle, road and environment such as driver steering, vehicle length, road roughness and side wind loading, respectively. These lateral displacements dictate the lane width required for vehicles using the road and, if ignored or predicted inaccurately, can affect the cost or safety of the road. In this current study, a full scale testing programme was undertaken on a rough road to measure the lateral displacement of the rear trailer of a B-Double on a nominally straight path. Lateral movements of the trailers were extracted from the video data - these were relative to a moving frame of reference, namely the prime mover which was subject to driver steering inputs. Corrections were made for the relative angle between the prime mover and the trailers, which was found to vary with the applied steering angle. These corrections were found to result in an increased estimate of the lateral displacement and hence the lane width required. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210528.

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C 29088 (In: C 29076 CD-ROM) /91 /72 / ITRD E210540

In: CAITR-2003 : [proceedings of the] 25th Conference of the Australian Institutes of Transport Research, University of South Australia, Transport Systems Centre, 3-5 December 2003, 12 p.

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