Tradeoffs encountered in evaluating crash sensing systems.

Mahon, G.L. & Hensler, R.L.

Most airbag systems currently in use rely on crash detection systems containing sensors based on electro-mechanical technologies to trigger deployment. Systems based on other technologies such as all-mechanical or electronic sensors have also been employed in a small number of upscale vehicle platforms. Sensors based on new candidate technologies are now under evaluation for use in the near future. A meaningful evaluation of these systems must account for possible tradeoffs including cost, reliability and overall performance. Breed Technologies, lncorporation has outlined a comparative evaluation of the systems. Issues covered include: single versus multi-point sensing; performance evaluation; reliability evaluation; reliability studies and appropriate criteria for evaluation; and cost factors. The overall criteria for evaluation on the part of the vehicle manufacturer based on liability issues and vehicle technology changes are also discussed.

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C 6590 (In: C 6579 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 886377

In: Frontal impact protection : seat belts and air bags : international congress & exposition, Detroit, Michigan, March 1-5, 1993, SAE technical paper 930648, p. 103-108

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