Traffic accidents : causes and outcomes.

Bartley, G.P. (ed.)

This new book examines a wide range of issues related to traffic accidents including prevention, safety, prediction, precipitation, mitigation, and related law enforcement issues. Table of Contents: Commentary A: Using Virtual Reality to Prevent Drinking and Driving: The Reality of the Research; pp. 1-8 (Jeremy D. Jewell, Stephen D.A. Hupp, Daniel J. Segrist, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, et al.); Commentary B: A Neurologist's View on Traffic Accidents in the Czech Republic before and after the Novelisation of Traffic Rules; pp. 9-11 (Jiri Tichy, Department of Neurology, Charles University, Prague); Commentary C: Pathomechanism of Head Injuries in Fatal Road Traffic Accidents; pp. 13-14 (Klara Töro, Szilvia Fehér, Dalos Attila, György Dunay, Department of Forensic Medicine, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary); Epidemiology of Fatal Road Traffic Accidents in South Africa; pp. 15-26 (Abiodun Olukoga, School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK); Chapter 1 - Traffic Safety Before and After Introduction of Red-Light Running Photo Enforcement in Maine; pp. 29-73 (Per Gårder, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maine, Orono, ME); Chapter 2 - Worldwide Characteristics and Mitigation Strategies for Motor Vehicle-Animal Collisions; pp. 75-96 (Rick L Langley, Jananne Mathison, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, North Carolina State University); Chapter 3 - Information Processing, Personality, and Demographic Variables as Predictors of Crashes and Moving Violations; pp. 97-121 (Winfred Arthur, Department of Psychology, Texas A&M University, TX, Eric Anthony Day, Department of Psychology, The University of Oklahoma, OK); Chapter 4 - Detection and Assessing the Ability to Feign the Psychological Injury Consequence of a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA); pp. 123-148 (Ramón Arce, Departament of Social Psychology, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Francisca Fariña, AIPSE Departament, University of Vigo, Spain); Chapter 5 - Bicycle Helmet Standards Revisited; pp. 149-162 (Bart Depreitere, Jan Goffin, Division of Experimental Neurosurgery and Neuroanatomy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium); Chapter 6 - Suicide Risk, Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders in the Precipitation of Traffic Accidents; pp. 163-176 (Maurizio Pompili, Department of Psychiatry, Sant’Andrea Hospital, Sapienza University of Rome, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical school, Boston, USA, Marco Innamorati, Università Europea, Roma, Italy, David Lester, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, USA, et al.); Chapter 7 - Expedited Cataract Surgery and Older Driver Motor Vehicle Crash Prevention; pp. 177-200 (Desapriya E., Pike I., British Columbia Injury Research & Prevention Unit, Centre for Community Child Health Research, Canada, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Canada, Subzwari S., Scime, G., British Columbia Injury Research & Prevention Unit, Centre for Community Child Health Research, Canada); Chapter 8 - AIS – Useful Tool for Media Coverage - Injury Reporting From Medical Doctors at Hospitals Emergency Units (Emergency Ward) in Sweden: Standardized Injury Information With Emphasize and Communication of the Classification of ”Abbreviated Injury Scale” to Mass Media; pp. 201-223 (Jörgen Lundälv, Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden); Chapter 9 - Causes of Road Traffic Accidents in Developing Countries; pp. 225-260 (Fadekemi Olufunmilayo Oginni, FMCDS 1999, FWACS 2007). (Author/publisher)

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Hauppauge, NY, Nova Science Publishers, 2008, XIII + 278 p., ref. - ISBN 978-1-60456-426-6

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