Traffic calming : passenger and rider discomfort at sinusoidal, round-top and flat-top road humps : a track trial at TRL. Prepared for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions DETR, Charging and Local Transport Division.

Sayer, I.A. Nicholls, D.A. & Layfield, R.E.

The original work on the development of speed reducing road humps carried out at TRL resulted in a circular (round-top) hump profile which has been successfully used on roads in many countries. Since the 1980's the regulations governing the use of road humps in England and Wales have been gradually relaxed to allow greater flexibility in the shape of humps so as to include flat-top humps, raised junctions and speed cushions. The current regulations do not specify an exact hump profile providing the humps are between 25 mm and 100 mm in height, at least 900 mm long and with no vertical face exceeding 6 mm. Humps with a sinusoidal profile have been reported as being more comfortable for cyclists, and possibly also for car drivers, than round-top or flat-top humps but little information has been available as to the degree of difference between the profiles. In order to improve the advice available to local highway authorities, the Charging and Local Transport Division of DETR commissioned TRL to undertake a comparative evaluation in terms of passenger/rider discomfort, vertical acceleration, vehicle noise generation and ground-borne vibration of a number of humps, all 75 mm high, with different profiles. The five profiles used in the trials included three non-standard profiles: a 3.7m long hump with a sinusoidal profile, a 5m long round-top hump, and an 8m long flat-top hump with sinusoidal ramps. Two `standard' profiles were included for comparison: a 3.7m long round-top hump and an 8m long flat-top hump with straight ramps. This report gives details of the track trial at TRL and the results obtained from the measurements of passenger discomfort and vertical acceleration. A companion report, TRL Report 416 (see C 15068 S), gives details of the results of the measurements of vehicle noise and ground-borne vibration and provides estimates of the minimum distances between hump profiles and dwellings to avoid vibration exposure. (A)


C 15069 [electronic version only] /72 /92 / IRRD E102816

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 1999, IV + 42 p., 28 ref.; TRL Report ; No. 417 - ISSN 0968-4107

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